- Description
Gift Vouchers may take up to 24 hours to be valid and may not be redeemable immediately after purchase.
Newcastle Workwear Specialists Gift Vouchers are non-refundable and must be used in full.
Newcastle Workwear Specialists Gift Vouchers are treated as cash and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.
Newcastle Workwear Specialists Gift Vouchers expire 12 months after issue.
Newcastle Workwear Specialists Gift Vouchers may only be used for purchases at Newcastle Workwear Specialists and cannot be returned or exchanged for cash.
Online transactions must be made within Australia to be valid.
You can purchase up to $1,500.00 or 10 Gift Cards per transaction.
May not be re-sold or bartered for cash.
We reserve the right to change any of the terms contained in these Terms and Conditions at any time where the change is required.
You may be required to produce proof of identification at the time of redeeming your Gift Voucher. If you are unable to provide identification Newcastle Workwear Specialists may elect to not accept the Gift Voucher as payment until you are able to do so.